Utility inforamtion

Cable and Internet


Phone Number


Water Services


Phone Number


Gas Services

Columbia Gas

Phone Number


Electric Services

West Penn Power

Phone Number


Borough Sewage and Garbage Services

Irwin Borough provides garbage services through Waste Management. Residential garbage pick up is on Friday mornings. Holiday will effect pick up services by one day. Sewage services are also provided by the Borough. If you would have any questions regarding those services. Please contact the Borough at 724-864-3100 Ext. 17. 

At Your Door Services



single stream recycling dumpsters

The Borough of Irwin has a single stream recycling dumpster located at 518 Western Avenue. This is next to Irwin Volunteer Fire Department. Please note there are two dumpsters in this location. One belongs to Irwin Volunteer Fire Department for their use only. It is not for public use. The second dumpster is clearly marked for recycling. PLEASE DO NOT DUMP TRASH IN THIS DUMPSTER. If Waste Management sees garbage in that dumpster, it never makes it to the recycling center.